- Wheelbarrow (Craig)
- Shovels (Craig)
- ATV with trailer plow and winch would be awesome. Moving around rocks and sand, rigging with a pulley to lift something heavy, etc.
- Rebar cutter/bender (shields rental)
- Shop vac (Craig)
- Saw horses (Craig, + we need more)
- "Igloo" water container for the job site
- 2800 watt generator (Craig)
- Two air compressors: 2HP starting and 2HP running (Craig)
- Gas powered air compressor
- Framing nail gun x2 (Craig and his boss)
- Finish nail gun (Craig)
- Staple gun
- Levels (Andrew et all)
- Squares
- Water level
- Cordless drill (Andrew)
- Corded drill (Craig)
- Drywall drill (Craig)
- Cordless circular saw (Andrew)
- Worm-drive corded circular saw (Craig)
- Compound miter saw (Craig)
- Chop saw (Craig)
- BYOTB (bring your own tool belt)
- BYOH … hammers
- Drywall finishing tools (I think we’ll pay someone to do this better than we can anyway)
- Tile cutter (shields rental)
- Random orbital sanders (Craig), regular palm sanders Craig), belt sander
- Work light
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Such a tool
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Very tentative schedule
Now thru march: Lumberjackin'! Clear driveway and house area. Stack firewood. Split some if our backs can take it.
Late March: Celebratory Bonfire! Burn brush and tree tops before snow is gone.
April, May: Work long hours, Fill up that coin jar with loose change, mug a few old people, sell lemonade.
May 11-18... Site work: Driveway, house pad, foundation and utility trenches, bring in gravel, bury drinking water and septic tank (Important: Do not confuse these), and oil tank if below ground. Have inspector look at septic tank.
May 18-31: footing forms, install prebuilt "hotbox", pour footings, backfill, set beams. Good job for 3+ people.
Building inspection: Foundation.
June 1-18: Here we go! Time for the big crew! We have these 18 days off. Most help probably needed the latter week when there are multiple simultaneous projects that can happen.
Build floor deck, exterior walls, install vapor barrier behind where ledger will nail, and tie rolled ends up to keep them out of the way, interior walls downstairs, rough staircase, second floor and temp second floor extension, set trusses, deck the roof, felt the roof, roof the roof, install moisture / air barrier (Tyvek housewrap) hang windows and doors, bring in bathtub, build upstairs walls, build stairs and porch for main entry. Siding and gutters if time permits, but these can wait.
Building inspection: Framing
After this, we're waterproof! Construction can continue at a more "leisurely" pace without risk of damage. The following dates are hopefuls, and could get off by weeks or months even. Hopefully this is all 36 hour weekend work- Friday-Saturday-Sunday - and we'll take time off our regular jobs or hire help when we fall behind.
June 18-30: Insulate walls, install vapor barrier, fur out walls with 2x2 or 2x3s.
July 6-8, 13-15: Rough-in plumbing, electrical, HRV ducts
Building inspection: Plumbing and Electrical.
July 20-22: Insulate inboard of vapor barrier.
July 27-29: Hang drywall. 4 people ideal when doing ceilings. Have pro drywaller follow to tape, mud, texture.
Aug 3-5: Ceiling: vapor barrier and T&G paneling. If lucky this was pre-finished by all the wonderful help from June.
Aug 10-12: Blow cellulose into roof. This could be a miserable process. Perhaps it will be combined with installing the paneling. Install a few feet of paneling, then blow in the insulation, etc.
Aug 17-19: Finish ceiling, catch up time.
Aug 24-26: clean up, paint inside, install light fixtures.
Sep 1-2: floor at least bathrooms
Sept 7-9: finish at least one bathroom.
Sept 14-16: Hook up water pump and hot water heater
Sept 21-23: Install kitchen cabinets, counter top, and sink.
Sept 28-30: finish flooring, install toyo heater or boiler
Oct 5-7: Finish the kitchen - install appliances.
Oct 12-14: Move in! We need to be out of our current place by mid Nov
Rest of October and November, and December: Interior doors, trim, built in bookcases, Ash staircase, second bedroom and bathroom if not done (or whole upstairs), wood stove, medicine cabinets, wall cabinets in kitchen if not affordable earlier, HRV
As early as possible: Final inspection and mortgage! Pay everyone back, buy washer and dryer, dishwasher, furniture, trim, etc.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Would you like update e-mails?
The e-mail will be an exact copy of what we wrote here on the site.
Monday, February 12, 2007
To Build or Not to Build....
So to break up Andrew’s posts I thought I’d throw in one of my own. As you might have noticed, Andrew is the brains behind the engineering of the house. Mine is the position of consultant, laborer, organizer, and mover alonger. For example, I’ve been working out at the gym to beef up for our summer exertions (laborer). This means doing some workouts that Andrew has affectionately labeled “the nail gun” or “the sheet rock.” I was able to test “the nail gun” on an actual nail gun yesterday at a hardware store. It wasn’t as bad as I thought but I can see how sore my arm will be after days straight of lifting that gun.
As some of my dorkier friends will appreciate I was wandering around looking at various items in the hardware store (I was supposed to be seriously considering each for our house project) but I suddenly began to imagine each tool as a zombie invasion weapon. If there’s a zombie infestation run to AIH because almost every item could brain a zombie decently. You see, this is why Andrew is doing the basic design of the house. Otherwise I’d be saying stuff like “Hey Honey, shouldn’t we put a bunker in here! What if there’s an economic break down, we don’t want to be caught with our pants down now do we.”
So back to what this post was originally supposed to be about. Why did I decide that I wanted to build a house? Many of you know that for a while there I wanted to go to graduate school out of state. I was getting pretty ancy to move away from
Andrew had wanted to buy land and build a house for quite some time. Since I couldn’t complete one of my life goals for another 3-4 years, why not complete one of his. Plus, it would be the challenge I was looking for. I was becoming pretty complacent at work and home, I just wanted a change. I think this is going to be all the change I need for a while.
Lastly, and some of you may think most importantly, I want a freakin’ dog. That’s right, I’m spending 160,000$ on a house to get a poochy! Seriously though, we looked at many rentals in
Imperial Walker

Since we're not doing a walk-out basement and we're on a steep slope, we had to work carefully to not have a 10 foot high wall of dirt behind the house or the front of the house hovering 10 feet off the ground. This was a happy medium.
It doesn't have to be a vertical wall, for a little more money it could be contoured and covered with meadow grasses & wildflowers or sloped and covered with rip rap or river rocks. Rock garden?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Dollars and Cements
Speaking of that, I was over-conservative on the ridge beam because I just looked it up on a table instead of calculating moment of inertia and other more impressive sounding big words, that come along with even more impressive big formulas. Turns out I can use two versalam LVL (laminated veneer lumber) beams that are light weight enough for 2-3 people to haul up ladders. Now I don't need to rig a come-along pulley gizmo or have them deliver it with a crane.
Dan's also going to engineer a foundation. We're not doing a crawlspace or basement foundation because of the cost. Cement walls are about $15 per square foot( vs about $3 for wood walls), and a slab costs more than an insulated wood floor.
Dan didn't charge for his time. I helped him with some video editing for trade.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Some details
Click images for a bigger view.

We're trying to decide which type of siding to put on it. Suggestions?
Friday, February 9, 2007
The Beginnings!

So I thought I would start our first blog off with the fantastic pictures that Andrew created for our viewing pleasure. First is the aerial view of our land so that those who have been to Fairbanks can get an idea of where it's located. Second is a picture looking down off the road into the land. Lastly is the 3D Photoshop version of our house, created by my very handsome and skilled boyfriend. These are just a taste of what's to come in the following months!