Monday, February 19, 2007

Would you like update e-mails?

I have had a request from someone to receive e-mail updates of our blog i.e. you will get e-mails that indicate when we post a new post. I thought this was a good idea. So naturally I used my nerd powers to figure out how to do this via the blogging program I'm using. Let me know if you would like to be added to a mailing list that will update every time we post on the blog. Do so by posting a comment below. Make sure that you put at least your first name down so that I know who you are.

The e-mail will be an exact copy of what we wrote here on the site.


Johnny Thunder said...

I would be interested. use my jbolds at mac dot com address please.

Anonymous said...

ooh.ooh.oooh! me, me, me! Jess please. Also, do you guys have any tentative schedules yet of when your "big build" weeks or weekends are going to be? I'm thinking of getting tickets soon to AK and was hoping to come help for a long weekend or a full week when you'll need a big crew. If you don't have anything specific in mind, Nate and I will probably come early to mid-June. We can bring a tent.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please!

Anonymous said...

Mom and Barry said: Absolutely!! Do you have Barry's e-mail address too?

Marcy Phillips said...

Ok so I've added you four to a group e-mail. The update e-mails actually include our entire post but there's really no way to change that. Sorry. But it's better then nothing right.

Carol - I don't have barry's e-mail, if you can e-mail it to me I'll add it to the list

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is Lucy, I want your update e-mails and blog site so I can follow your progress. My e-mail address is -censored- I am at your Mom's right now.