Based on some of the input we've gotten, I've made some updated window options, after the original one many liked. Taller round windows so it doesn't look so squat. Then there's a new option with windows with a top edge 1' taller than normal. Then an option with a third row, and finally one with a round window at the very top, just for Cam. The bottom windows could be the same width for all options, even though they don't look it here
I also included a line to show where the ceiling is, plus a little stick figure of a 5'9 person for scale. I also added one foot to the height of the house to give it correct scale. I forgot that the floor is 1' thick...
Votes? Again, some of this will come down to cost, which we don't know yet.

I like the top two. Not too hot on the one with the extra windows, or the one with the round circular window. I can't wait to look out those windows and see your view and woods!!
I like the first one.
I think it's gonna be the first one. That pent shaped window is interesting, as far as price goes. Waiting on a quote from SBS for triple pane Alpine windows. I guess about $1000. Lowes JW double pane: $350. Home Depot fiberglass clad wood: $1800. Those are sweet windows. No exterior maintenance, but real wood inside and the look of wood outside.
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