Thursday, November 15, 2007


Apologies to all for this pictureless post. Andrew and I are now moved into our house. We finished up the final cleaning at our rental on Wednesday at 5pm. Our house wasn't as finished as we would have liked when moving in but that's just how things go I guess. Since the last post we were able to lay all of the tile, but not grout everything. We got the guest room, downstairs bathroom, and half of the living room grouted. Again, thanks to Craig, we got the boiler running and light switches in. Then the rest of the time has been spent moving and cleaning out our other place. Plus we both have a cold, so we have been super grumpy. Moving, working on the house, and colds are not very good combinations. But it's done now! Which is exciting. We can just fall into bed after working on the house.

Funny story: So for the entire summer I have managed not to go "Number 2" on our land. As I had at one point stepped in somebody else's leavings. Last night, as a form of celebration, Andrew and I went out for Thai food. Which commonly gives us stomach problems and eventually we both end up in the bathroom. So after Thai food Andrew was installing the toilet and I had to go to the bathroom really bad. Ironically the night we were installing the toilet is the night that I baptized our land with my poop. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Ah ha!! Well, what a good way to "end" the plumbing dilemma and "baptize it" if you will. Hurray!! You're in!!! I know your lives will be much easier. Looking forward to seeing you next week for our Thanksgiving journey. Let me know where to call to firm up final plans---has Andrew found his phone yet?

Marcy Phillips said...

Andrew's phone is still lost so to get a hold of us for now call 978-3736. Andrew should be hooking up our land line today though.

Anonymous said...


MM said...

Did you get a dual flush toilet to save H2O? There will be no touching of the package to the interior bowl?

Kara Stenberg said...

When are we gonna get interior decoratin' pics? :D