We had our first Christmas in our unfinished house, but it was very nice. Our living room has been construction central, but we finally cleaned up some of the tools and ladders for photos. Plus, today we cut down a tiny birch shrub as a Christmas tree!

Since our last post, we've finished our built in bookshelf with Danish oil and two coats of polyurethane. It's real cherry, which was very expensive but it looks awesome and will darken with age. Some of the wood has some really excellent curly figuring, and it almost shimmers in the light, a phenomenon called chatoyance or directionality.

Here it is in relationship for our office upstairs in the loft.

Also, we made our first furniture purchase! Part of our plan with building a small house involved leaving enough to invest in nice furniture right away. We weren't going to buy this so soon, but I surprised Marcy and was even able to sneak it in the house while she picked up her folks at the airport. It's very comfy, but we'll have to cover it up while we make more dust.
Thanks everyone for your continuing support and we hope you had a wonderful Holiday!
The place looks AMAZING! I'm proud (and envious). We missed you both on Christmas, but are glad to see you have such a warm, cozy place to call home for the New Year! Much love, Sis (Jess)
And much love from Mom in the midwest. Your gifts are "on the way" via your Dad as delivery, sometime in January, hopefully. Love you both. Mom
The built in bookshelf is to die for, I think my heart skipped a beat when I saw it!
Dan and I can attest to the comfortableness of the new furniture. I have to admit we were wondering before we came up what we would be sitting on. The house looks way better in person than in photos. It is really beautiful. The kids did a great job. Very proud of them both.
How is that kitchen coming? Love Mom and Dad
Cabinets arrived, next step is mustering motivation to install. Thanks for your help and input with the countertop, I really enjoyed sharing that part of the process with you. We'll post pictures when it looks like something.
Wow. I am in love with your bookshelf. O_O; And your furniture is awesome - it really fits what little I know of your house. :)
And okay, your Christmas tree is super cute. :D
Ladies who love my bookshelf:
You know me, every single bay is filled with books now. I'll have to get rid of a few to make room for more.
Happy New Year from Aunt Sally.
I love you both and am very proud of you for all the work you have done, and the fact that I am your aunt...hope to hear from you.
Best Wishes and all of God's Blessings for this year and all the years to come.
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